Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have a lot of patience. I have to. I deal with hard headed idiots on a daily basis who either ignore what I say so they don't have to deal with it or they are so deep into their opinions that they don't want to admit that they are wrong. I put up with a lot. I really do. I have several relatives that lash out at me because their lives aren't so great right now and they act like it's my fault. Even if what they are dealing with has nothing to do with me. It isn't and they all are stupid for doing it. They get some sort of high from making me stressed and miserable and that only proves how pathetic they are. But try telling THEM that.  Then I have the relatives who talk smack about me. I am nothing but gossip to them and they have no respect for my privacy. One relative in particular, enjoys putting me on the spot with my private issues in a room full of people but they chicken out in the presence of my father and another relative. That person loves to get deep into my business and when they can't force their thoughts on me, they lash out. Publicly. Then after they know they have infuriated me, they make a public spectacle out of it, hoping that people will physically attack me for being angry at their thoughtlessness. Then there are people who "help" me but I pay dearly for it. Basically, it's a situation of, "I helped you so I can abuse you however I want and you can't say anything to me because I have you in a moral paradox and can call you ungrateful." People like this almost make me unwilling to accept help. There is one person who isn't like that at all. I am very grateful to this person because of what they do for my family and for me. This person grew up with my father's family and this person is awesome.  

So, I take it and I take it and I take it by the shovel, full. And those people believe that I am supposed to eat it and like it. I'm supposed to ask if they would like to abuse me more. I am supposed to appreciate the abuse. Over and over and over again.

Well, I have had my fill of the negative people that I just spoke of. I am gridlocked, like in my previous blog, but desperate times call for drastic measures. Nobody ever got anywhere without taking a risk somewhere. Some of the negative people are trying to talk me out of it because they want to keep gossiping about how sorry I am and how I will never amount to anything. Their favorite subject is how I mother my child since many of them are against breastfeeding.   

I tell SOME OF THEM (because not all of them can be trusted) my plan and they are in shock. "Hey! Where are you going? We weren't finished making fun of you and gossiping about you! Wait! Don't go! We want someone to make fun of! Hey! Who are we going to bash for no reason just because we're PMS-ing? You can't go! You were born to be my punching bag!"

So, let me ask you...Is there someone out there that you give crap to on a non-stop basis? By the shovel full and you just get some high off of bullying that person? How long do you think it will be before they have had their fill and suddenly can't be held responsible for their actions? I'm sure you will call the police because you are a coward. "Oh, they hit me!" -But you won't tell them how you tortured them for so long.

It's just like Aiken DSS. They torture people. They treat families worse than the KKK treat black people. They keep coming after the innocent, poverty stricken people and they call it, "help". They tell you not to take their actions personally when they attack your children, which IS personal. One guy had his fill and shot them up. DSS responded by acting like victims. They don't care about a person's threshold. They pushed that guy until he stood up for himself. They put him to death. The poor guy was actually a hero. He was no criminal. He just got his belly full and was no longer responsible for his actions. DSS wasn't worth his life but he was so distraught and had Battered Victim Syndrome to the point that he could no longer think properly. My only anger at him at all was that he should have made sure that there were no children in the building because DSS would have probably used children as human shields.

So, be brave, all of you who are being bullied, it doesn't matter who is bullying you. They are the cowards and you, yes YOU are better than they are. Pity them. Then, when you can't take it anymore, try to think it through and resolve the problem in a way that won't land you in jail. Breathe and walk away.  

DISCLAIMER: I abhor any kind of violence and I do not like guns. What someone else did to DSS is not how I handle things. I was simply stating an opinion that they deserved it and that I am glad that no children were hurt.

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